A Season To Celebrate

Is Christmas a season to celebrate, or is it just that stressful time of year again when gifts must be bought for everyone?

I love the joke about the Catholic monk who spent hours in the monastery’s library only to emerge in a fluster, running through the hallways screaming, “It says celebRate, ce-le-bRRRate!”

Perhaps you need to be Catholic to understand the joke. In the Catholic tradition, priests, monks and nuns take a vow of celibacy. The joke implies that we have unnecessarily endured pain when we were meant to enjoy life, all because of a typo.

Is it possible that we have also mis-read the purpose of Christmas? What about the purpose of life? Life too, is a season to celebrate.

Count your blessings

Don’t worry about how much the presents are going to cost. Be grateful that you have so many special people in your life to buy gifts for. The truly special people won’t mind if your gifts are not expensive, as long as you’re there when they open it.

No need to fuss over getting the house decorated. The best decor is an atmosphere of love and laughter. Spend time with your family filling your home with love, and visitors will feel it when they come.

Make it a season to celebrate all year round

When I was younger, I dreaded the social and financial obligations of Christmas. I hated the commercial jingles and endless sales that started as early as October.

As I grow older, I appreciate rituals more and more. They remind us that we are part of a tradition. We have something to celebrate, andΒ  we have people to celebrate with.

I also realise that Christmas is not just about one day. The official date there to remind us, at least one day a year, of what we should be celebrating all year round.

I am so glad that it’s going to be Christmas soon, and hope you’re looking forward to it as a season to celebrate too!

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10 replies on “A Season To Celebrate”

@ Carla, isn’t it amazing how we let the small things get to us? I have to constantly ask myself “is this worth spending minutes or hours of my limited life on?” Thanks for your comment and for liking my post – gives me a reason to keep writing!

@ Tess, welcome to Joyful Days, and thank you for your lovely comment! Glad you liked the post. If you loved every word then I’m assuming you caught the joke right away. I’m always tickled when someone else gets the joke so you made my day!

@ Celes, glad you like the post, and that you’re looking forward to Christmas. Only a week away!

@ Lance, you’re right that we tend to be activity-driven rather than meaning-driven. Wonder why. Hey, that would make a great topic for a post – let’s see who does one first! πŸ˜‰

Hi Daphne,
It’s easy to get caught up in all the “Christmas” activities, and forget, really, what we’re celebrating. Thanks for the reminder to really embrace the idea of a simpler Christmas…

Hi Daphne! Very meaningful post and I agree that we need to just focus on celebrating the little things in life πŸ™‚ I’m totally looking forward to Christmas – it is one of my favourite seasons of the year! It’s one of those seasons where you can just feel its spirit and love in the air πŸ™‚

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