
Hello! Since 2005, I’ve had a lifestyle that my friends tell me they envy. I had meaningful work to do, time to spend with my family and friends, and enough cashflow that I didn’t have to worry about paying the bills every month. I was happy.

This wasn’t always the case. I remember in a previous job, I was so stressed that one Sunday I collapsed along the corridor of my office in tears. It took about 5 years to get from that miserable place to a much happier one. And it didn’t happen by accident, but with some planning and lots of trial and error.

How Joyful Days started

In 2008, a close friend and I were having lunch and chatting about where we were in our lives. When I mentioned how happy I was, she asked why I didn’t start a blog to about how to create a joyful lifestyle. And I thought, why not? So Joyful Days was born.

At the time, I just wanted to learn about blogging. I felt behind the curve as it was the “in” thing that everyone seemed to be doing and I had no clue what it was all about. What amazed me was that people actually read my blog and total strangers told me that they cried after reading it, and it helped transform some of their relationships.

What Joyful Days is about

Over the course of training thousands of people, many of them told me that all they want is to be happy. They want to enjoy their work. They want to have better relationships. And they want their lives to mean something. It surprised me in a sad way that so many people were unhappy with their lives.

It also frustrated me because happiness is not some elusive notion, but concrete skills and habits that anyone can learn and practise. And it’s not just my own experience that suggests this, but a growing field of research into happiness. Joyful Days is my platform for sharing some of these research findings, and suggesting practical skills that are easy to implement in our lives.

Thanks for dropping by!

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20 replies on “About”

Hi Daphne,
Good to hear from you again.
It has been a while, hope you are doing great. =)

Take care.

Shiau Chen

Hi Shiau Chen,
So nice of you to leave a comment! Yes it has been a long time. Came here to do some housekeeping and managed to knock out a couple of posts 🙂 Hope life is treating you well.

Hi Daphne,
Nice to meet you. You and your site have lovely energy and I bow to your efforts to support people on their journeys. Not sure how I found, following threads. Joy is a theme near and dear to my heart too and, in fact, the topic of a 30-Day pilgrimage into Joy at my blog. In difficult times like these, we all need the support we can get and you sure provide a trunkload of treasures here. I’ll be returning…Blessings to you!

Hi Jan,

Welcome, and thanks for such a wonderful first comment. Joy is such a privilege we enjoy, and also a decision. Glad that it’s so much a part of your life. The 30-day joy pilgrimage sounds like a wonderful idea and I’m off to check it out now!

Hi Daphne,

Great website. I look forward to reading more of your posts. Thanks for your time and effort in creating this blog – it has tremendous to help people get unstuck from unjoyful places.

Keep up the great work!

Miss Bumble,

Welcome! And thanks for your wonderful comment. And thank you for the vote of confidence that my blog can make a difference. One of the things that helps bloggers keep going is know that their writing is being read, so thank you for letting me know this!

Hi Daphne,

I wish you all the best in achieving your life mission and goals. Starting this blog and really being serious about it is a great step ahead to connecting deeper with your soul as well as to the beautiful people around you..:)

May your positive energies grow with each day..:) and have a great weekend ahead of you!


from the little island of Singapore, NTU Chemical Engineering undergrad

Hi Victor,

Thank you so much for your good wishes, and I wish you all the best too in your endeavours. I like the way you say “May your positives energies grow with each day…” and will remind myself to nurture and grow the positives in life. You stay positive and happy too!

Hello Daphne,

I have to congratulate you on a great Blog Site, but mostly on the depth in your articles and posts… Rather Impressive indeed.

I Have added you site as a favourite on my Blog Site, Check It Out…

Looking forward to hearing more from you in the future..

Yours in Abundance and Prosperity…


Hello Jeasy,

Thanks for your lovely comment, and for adding my site to your blog. I’m off to visit your blog now and hope to see more of each other online.

[…] Daphne has a lifestyle her friends envy. She is practically semi-retired in her 30s and just loves her life. Her blog Joyful Days was started as a challenge by a friend to help others find and live the life of their dreams as well. […]

[…] her as my guest post for today! Might I also suggest you indulge in one of my favorite posts by Daphne: “8 Lessons A Nearly-Dead Dog Taught Me About Living”  Thank you so much, Daphne, for […]

Hi Daphne!

I love your new About page, it’s very effective and you maintain your joyful tone in it, I see 😉

I like how you mentioned that readers will not only benefit from your posts, but also from expanding their blogging network and possibly start blogging themselves!

Keep on spreading the joy, you’re good at it 😉

Hi Carlota,

I’m flattered that you noticed the change in the About page! Thanks for visiting and leaving such an encouraging comment.

One of the biggest joys I’ve experienced from blogging is meeting so many other wonderful people, including bloggers like you. I’m grateful for knowing you, Carlota.

[…] Days, yes, they surely are!  Today, I’m spending time with Daphne, who writes with real heart, over at Joyful Days.  She asks me questions that, once again, make me […]

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