“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
– William Shakespeare
We humans are quick to judge. In the wild, quick judgment could save lives as prey need to ascertain whether or not to flee from potential predators. Most of us, however, judge when there is not much at stake, except perhaps our egos and our need to be right.
One way to stop judging others is to realise that most of our judgments are fallacies. We judge something to be right or wrong, good or bad, when this distinction is actually an illusion, as all dualities are.
What a duality is

photo credit: snik38
A duality refers to two opposing forces, each of which gets their meaning from the other, as what the other is not. For example, day and night are defined with reference to each other. ‘Day’ is the time when it is not ‘night’ and vice versa. When one half of this duality is absent, the remaining word has no meaning.